Storytime (Sept. 1-7, 2008)
What is a "bug chaser?"
A bug chaser is a gay man who deliberately attempts to contract HIV by having unprotected sex with a man or group of men who are known to have the virus.
What is a "gift giver?"
A gift giver is an HIV positive gay man who deliberately transmits the virus, often times to bug chasers, or those willing to contract it.

They are known as “Bug Chasers” and they seek out other people who are willing to get them infected with HIV.
Within these circles, these people, usually gay men, talk about ”poz” and “neg” men, “bug juice” and “conversion” from negative to positive. Their screen names include BugChaser21, Knockmeup, BugMeSoon, ConvertMeSir, PozCum4NegHole and GiftGiver.
Internet web sites are the only place a bug seeker can really express his desires openly, posting requests like ”hot poz load deep in me”, or ”I really want to be converted!! Breed me/seed me!” Another wants to be filled up , “with that poison seed.”
It’s not uncommon to see people post replies either.
Spokes people from Yahoo! and Google claim they shut down such sites when they receive a notice that the subscribers are promoting HIV infection. Yet it is pretty easy to find discussion groups on the net that promote HIV. We will not reprint any links here.
Bug chasers openly ridicule condom use and safe sex. In fact they promote unsafe sex. Bug chasers only care about freedom, not consequences. They’re philosophy is, what can happen that’s worse?
Is this what American and indeed, world culture has come to? We are so desparate for the thrill that we will go to any length, cross any line - risk anything? This segment of gay men has romanticized ‘bug chasing’ to the point of likening it to children running around a playground looking for ants - and being thrilled when they find one. Their motives are baffling.
I’m not seeing the eroticism, the thrill, or the romance in this. I only see a perverse sexual under-culture, of possibly mentally disturbed people, that is working to undermine safe sex for both gays and heterosexual people alike.
If you have any questions for the Sexpert never hesitate to ask anything like how to where to get tested or if there is something strange on the tip of your dick or even if you think that the condom broke and you are afraid contact me at The Hot Boys Sexpert
Nothing is Taboo.

You never know exactly why some people have a death wish nor does it really matter but the best thing for anybody to think about is the risks of unprotected sex. When you go anywhere in the Gay scene you have to think of it as war. Each day you leave your house you must constantly ask yourself “ is this the day that I get it “ maybe you just don’t have sex because you are afraid and therefore you have decided to take a denial approach. The important thing to remember is that you can’t deny that you are at risk not can you deny the fact that there are thousands of men out there waiting and watching you so that they can give you the gift that they hold so dear.
When you go out you see them but you don’t know that they are there. They seem like everyone else but then again there seems to be something free about them that seems to intrigue you but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Nothing can prepare you for the fateful surprise they are hiding.
A couple months ago we spoke about sex parties and the impact on the gay community and the safety tips to dealing with going and participating. Last month we spoke about fetishes and sexual habits and the many things that go along with that. What you may not know is that even though it seems a little off bug chasers are turned on by the draw of a gift giver party, that is their fetish. Bug chasers think that first of all they won’t have to worry about the need for condoms and that they will only have to take a pill or two once a day and that will make them feel better. Wrong! Many men have to struggle with the side effects: nausea, vomiting, unusual muscle pain, weakness, the whites of your eyes turn yellow, liver problems and these are just symptoms from one medication though they all vary these side effects are more than many men bargain for and that is when they feel sorry for themselves and try to say poor me and make this huge story about how they were romanced by a man with a gift. I only see one thing, you went out and decided to put your body at risk and not treat it like the temple it is and now you realize what a mistake you made and want to return the gift but this store has a no return policy. You can’t return it once you got it. We here at the hot boys world are not supporters of these activities rather we encourage safe and fun sexual practices.
Many bug chasers believe also that along with just taking one pill they no longer have to worry about wearing a condom ever again. Wrong! This is where the thinking gets a little messed up. When you are infected with HIV, you have to consider all the other strains of HIV out there. HIV is growing stronger everyday and it seems that it keeps evolving more and more every time it gets swapped out for another one. When you put two strains of HIV together they can have devastating effects that could potentially kill you. Your doctor knows your strain and he/she knows the medications that will work for your particular strain of HIV but if you mutate your particular strain of HIV then you may have more health problems than you anticipated. The antiviral load of each person may vary and each medication is catered to the individual and no one else. You may find some people on the same medications as you but you will soon notice that you are the one your doctor knows. To have unprotected sex with someone who is HIV positive without protection is dangerous only because your body is different than others. We all may be created equal but our bodies are chemically different.
Swapping stands is not a good idea.
Thinking about your body is important. You are the one who lives your life. Never let anyone try to take your life. Open your eyes and think about how you can live your life to the fullest. HIV is a serious problem for the gay community but it doesn’t mean a death sentence nor does it mean you have no responsibility to yourself. You are important to this world and should protect yourself from anything that will hurt the life that you live…Run Baby Run from all those who would do your body harm. Love yourself and if you really want to keep it safe remember these things:
Use a condom.
Talk to your partner about their status.
Use common sense.
Use toys and protection the proper way.
Stay Abstinent.
These are just a few suggestions but if you find that you just can’t bring yourself to do any of these things then just go ahead and doctor grip yourself. Cuz, when you work out a detail on yourself you will ultimately have the most fun. I believe that masturbation is the best thing in the world.
If you have any questions for the Sexpert never hesitate to ask anything like how to where to get tested or if there is something strange on the tip of your dick or even if you think that the condom broke and you are afraid contact me at The Hot Boys Sexpert
Nothing is Taboo.

Wrap Up:
When you think about all the reasons why being a bug chaser is cra cra (crazy), you start thinking about how you have so many things to live for without the overcoming need to just give up. HIV is not a death warrant but it isn’t a toy either the one thing you have to remember is that if you want to participate in this lifestyle please do two things first:
Consult a Psychologist
Consult your Physician
You will notice that these two people will ultimately either convince you to change your mind or give you the necessary tools to make sure that you are safe and possibly help you realize your full potential in life. The one question they, and possibly many others, will ask is “why?” and I hope it is a good answer because I can see no other reason than because you know what you are doing. Life is not just a toy but it is a responsibility and we each have a part to play. Shakespeare said “All the worlds a stage and the men and women are merely playing their parts” What part are you playing?
I am a 21 year old guy with a great job and friends that are awesome but I get the feeling that I might want to participate in this party that I keep hearing about and I don’t know, but the men seem questionable but they are really nice and they all want to “breed” me but I get the feeling that there are just so many things at risk if I decide to participate in this party and it seems like a lot of work afterwards but I am confused about the kinds of drugs out there but most of all I want to know is how much of a risk am I taking if I go and participate?
You are putting yourself at extreme risk. There are numerous drugs out there like Truvada, Altripla, Viread, Emtriva, Combivir but the one thing to remember is that these are all viral medications that will inhibit the virus but not cure it and the other thing to remember is that all the side effects can be potentially dangerous to your body in particular. If these men want you then you should feel honored but remember their intentions are not honorable. I can’t impress upon you how important it is that you protect yourself and think before you don’t wrap it up. These men don’t care about your life just infecting you and who knows possibly hurting you, think about the aftermath and research it to its fullest think about what you will have to do after you get infected testing and doctor appointments and medications and the cost of all these things combined. What is more important, your health and wellbeing and keeping your money for drinks with friends or sickness and medical bills for life and less or potentially no money for drinks with your friends. Keep in mind that you put yourself in a whole new category of men when you contract HIV and many men will not even consider you for a date because of the fear and ignorance that surrounds HIV these days. These are the things to consider when invited to one of these “gift giver parties”.
As a gay male in the club scene I find that I want sex more than ever and my appetite seems to just grow and grow but what seems to not change is my need for a condom every time I have sex. I have met men who want me to take their load and I simply get up and grab my clothes and walk out but sometimes I just wonder what it would be like to not use a condom and this worries me because I get the feeling that I may be at risk for numerous things that could endanger my life. What do you suggest I do?
I have one thing to say. NO! Never think that a condom is the last frontier in gay sex. There are tons of men who want only to have safe, protected, enjoyable sex across the world. If you want to make sex more exciting maybe you could find a sex partner in another city or maybe another state and create some mystery and even some hunger for this person. If you think that sex was fun before you will be in for a great and wonderful surprise when you drive or fly to another state just to have sex with someone or maybe you can just find a social network or men whom you feel comfortable with and enjoy their company. Ultimately the only way I can see you not using a condom or for you to stop using condoms is if you have found a serious, monogamous relationship that has lasted more than one year. Besides you seem the type that can’t be bothered with the minor details and I would hate for you to have to work out the details of pills and doctors and numerous other ailments that go along with it.
I was infected about three years ago and I was not told that the man I had sex with was HIV positive. The hardest part was finally getting tested and finding out that I was positive. I don’t know how to describe how devastating it was when those words came out of the doctor’s mouth I thought I was dreaming and I actually fainted and had to call a friend to pick me up from the clinic. I fell into a depression and denied for many months that I was infected and there were many days that I would just lay in bed and cry and there were days that I would just walk around in a daze at work. I am now three years later a happier person but I always hear about bug chasers and I have men approaching me online to infect them and I just get so repulsed by it. I wasn’t given the choice, I was infected by someone who had a vindictive mind and didn’t think that I would be feeling anything about the consequences that would come along with it. I just want all the other Hot Boys to know that I don’t think a bug chaser is a smart person but a gift giver is by far the worst person in my mind and I have no compassion for these particular people.
Your story is not uncommon and for many who don’t seem to get it think it sounds a lot like a vampire romance. Tom Cruzes character always made it known that he wasn’t given the choice that he was giving Brad Pitt, I love Anne Rice. The point is that no matter what, that is fiction and if you remember HIV is almost like being a vampire, you are infected and then you have no other way of getting out of it other than burning up or in our case burning out. These days it is easier to let someone whom you gave an STD/STI to but the hardest part is letting someone know before sex that you have a contactable infection or virus. These are all things you should be talking about anyways with your partner before you have sex. HBI has the right mentality he is repulsed by the bug chasers because he realizes the value of life. He also realizes that because others are gift givers doesn’t mean that he has to be also.
Many men when they find out they are infected find that depression is part of their life but it isn’t a death sentence. Many men who are positive lead productive and healthy lives. Personally I have always believed that these men are just bored and have found a new pastime to make life for others just as miserable as theirs are. HBI, I have to thank you for telling your story and I know you are a much stronger person when you tell and warn about the dangers of Gift Givers because I know the pain of that persons evil will haunt you but remember, your life is long and lived only by you so don’t give up.
If you have any questions for the Sexpert never hesitate to ask anything like how to where to get tested or if there is something strange on the tip of your dick or even if you think that the condom broke and you are afraid contact me at The Hot Boys Sexpert
Nothing is Taboo.
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