Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hey Boys!!!

Yet another beautiful week passes and I am alive and kickin’ and doing great! I am really excited about everything that is going on and I’ll clue you in on just what is going on in future blogs. But for now I need to cover some ground on some real important things for all us.

My first contact with you basically laid out the ground work for my weekly writings where I will touch on many topics that involve us all. As I’ve said, I am going to be as honest as I can and may be sometimes brutally honest. I also have no doubt there will be some things where we will disagree but that is cool. All you’ve got to do is write back and express your opinion. I want this to be an open forum on the many topics that impact our community and your opinions, even those in disagreement with mine, are welcome. Just provide the facts and those facts may result in me changing my opinion. I am very pleased to be able to represent the gay community on so many strong and, to some, controversial topics and your input is vital to me and to all of us.

Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in CA.

Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in CA.

My first topic this week is the upcoming election both national and state. As for national, for now I am not going to say whom I may vote for. Honestly, I still don’t know. Neither of the main presidential candidates excite me and I am not sure who would be best for our country. I wish the choice was clearer. For me, it isn’t. But, one of the big votes in California will be on Proposition 8. Proposition 8 basically eliminates the right of same sex couples to marry. If it passes, it will add a new constitutional amendment to the California Constitution that will say "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California" and it will be known in law as the California Marriage Protection Act. We definitely need to vote NO on this proposition. Why?

Surprise! It’s not because I want to have the right to marry the man I love because I can. The law permits it now. My main opposition is whose business is it period who we marry? If you and he (or she) are truly in love and committed in the truest sense you should have that right to declare it publicly. Basically, boys, that’s what a wedding ceremony is. A public declaration of love and lifetime commitment.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating someone can marry their brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or dog. But I do not need someone sticking their damn nose in to my business and denying me the right to enjoy my life with the person I love. Proposition 8 will give those gorgeous men in blue (you know who I mean – “Chippies”) the right to lock me up just for doing what has been done for centuries – marrying the person I love. Enough said on this. JUST VOTE NO TO PROPOSITION 8!

One last thing concerning the upcoming election. Regardless, if you are a supporter of McCain, Obama, Barr, Nader, or whomever vote. It is a privilege that many have and will die for. Don’t take it lightly.

OneVote Initiative
Not quite old enough to vote on Nov. 4th? That's ok, you can still cast your ballot with our friend OneVote, from Channel One News. They are hosting the largest national youth mock election in history and you can register your opinion at on the candidates and political issues at from now until Friday. Don't wait! (oh, and tell your parents, siblings and anyone you know who's 18+ to vote on Nov. 4th)

Now, my fellow hot boys. Let’s move on to another topic. Actually a continuation of a topic I briefly mentioned last week. If you recall, I mentioned both HIV 1 and HIV 2 and did briefly detail just what HIV 1 is. This week, I want to give some info on HIV 2.

According to the medical world, studies of HIV 2 have shown that it weakens the immune system more slowly than HIV 1. It is more predominant in Africa than in the U.S. but it is out there. Because the symptoms manifest themselves more slowly this version sorta sneaks up on you. If you are at risk for HIV 1 then ditto for HIV 2. It may be slower but the results are the same. Obviously, only total abstinence will prevent any of us from getting this disease or any STD but I know and you know that ain’t gonna happen. So, use a latex condom. Also, just as with HIV 1, do not share needles (even better don’t do those drugs where you have to inject. And better than that don’t do drugs period), limit your sex partners and, if you are infected, let your partner know. Masturbation, whether solo or with a partner, is also an alternative. Granted, it may be boring but God knows is better than nothing. Google either HIV 1 or 2 for as much information as you want.

If that special someone comes along be smart and insist he be smart also. Remember, “you won’t get sick if you cover his dick.” Safe sex ensures your well being and that of your partner. It feels great and you have a clear conscious because you have done the right thing. Bottom line, every decision you make is totally up to you and can impact your life as well as many other people. Be smart.

Well, that about does it for this edition. Stay tuned for next week’s installment where I will continue to educate, inform, and give you some more of my life history. I want you to get in touch with yourself. Get to know yourself as you will get to know me.

Learning more about HIV and AIDS: has a great deal of information about AIDS, about the global epidemic, HIV and AIDS statistics and education.

Last thing – here is a reminder to all. Gay Pride is going to be in Palm Springs, CA, November 1st and 2nd. Don’t miss the official kick-off for "The Hot Boys World”. I will make an appearance at this event and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. Also, don’t miss the fabulous Pepper MaShay and Clint Crisher performing at the event. Guarantee something you do not want to miss. Anyway – SEE YOU AT PRIDE!!!!

Your Sexpert,

Carl Crosco

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