Friday, October 31, 2008

HIV & Healthy Diet

Hello Again!!!! Thanks to all of you for coming back to my blog. Hopefully you have found some useful information and that you see it as not to technical. I try but sometimes I guess I could get to technical or statistically oriented. If I do and it doesn’t work for you let met know. I want to be as factual as possible so as not to give any info that isn’t pertinent to you but remember I am just a guy like you. I just feel a calling to share my experiences and as much information as I can so we all can live our lives to the fullest.

Something really wonderful has happened since I took on this challenge of providing solid information. Not only am I passing along what I have learned but my research is also educating me. Sort of a refresher course in some areas and a definite new learning experience in others. It is the best of both worlds!!

Okay! “Nuff of that. Let’s move on.

Living with HIV is not, repeat, NOT my weakness in life nor has it been my downfall. Granted, when I was first diagnosed and before I took control I did have a major pity party as I have mentioned to you in previous blogs. But soon I learned that having HIV is not just part of me but who I am. It has been and will be one of the strongest stepping stones in my life.

I have lived with this infection for over a decade. Right now I have never looked better. Don’t believe me? Check out my pic. Unlike the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” in my case you can. Ok. Ok. Maybe I’m being a little (?) egotistical and a little (?) narcissistic but hey! when you got it – you got it! If you will let me educate and empower you with the information I have those of you that have contracted this infection will see it is not the end. Hell – it can be and for me was, the beginning.

When I take a good look at my past I have no doubt whatsoever getting HIV was the biggest wake up call I would ever have. Yes I wondered if God had forsaken me (Remember I told you I believe in God) and had condemned me with HIV. But I know now He didn’t. I am not angry (that left long ago) and I definitely don’t have those pity parties anymore. I can truly say I have no regrets. In some way, and I know this will sound strange, I only have a sense of relief. I can’t explain it but it is there. When I wake up every morning with a smile on my face I know I am blessed. I have many things to offer and this blog is just one.

11 years is a very long time. If you have been following my blogs you know I do not take the “cocktail” and my counts are excellent. Just like me, you hold the keys to your future. You can make having HIV a barrier to living life or you can take it little by little and move on towards a full and happy life.

Now something about healthy living with HIV. Your diet is crucial. I eat a lot of poultry, steak and drink a lot of milk. I make sure I get as much protein as possible from the foods I eat. Carbs are particularly good for people with HIV. Pasta, potatoes, bread. I don’t overeat. I’m not a calorie counter but I know when I should stop and I do. I drink a lot of different things making sure I am as hydrated as possible at all times. I also eat foods that are high in fiber. That is critical at least to me. Yes I do drink alcohol and sometimes more than I should but what did I say? I am living my life.

Personally I have to eat a lot but I don’t, as I said, overeat. My metabolism is high so if I don’t keep “fuel in the furnace” I’ll run down which could cause some issues as you can imagine. Exercise? I honestly don’t get enough but I am not a couch potato. Still, it wouldn’t hurt me to get to the gym more often. (Hmmmm! Just thought. There are some other reasons to go there, too, LOL) One thing for sure. If you eat right, exercise some, and generally take care of yourself you will feel and look great. Come to think of it whether you have HIV or not that should be your mantra. If you are on the “cocktail” nutrition is a major key in the break down of the HIV meds.

I guess one of the biggest things (and was hard for me) is to remember it is your life. If you have the attitude of being sorry for yourself then, hell, give it up. If that is you get over it!! You got the bug and once you have it you have it. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself get off your ass and do something that will make you have a super release of those wonderful endorphins. Exercise will do that. Food, in moderation, will do that. Being with friends will do that, too.

I want to feel that I am here as more than just the “sexpert”. I can and want to be a companion and a lifetime friend who will be true to you. I had to “man up”, as my dad says, and get the balls to come out again. This time letting everyone know I had HIV. Candidly, coming out gay was a helluva lot easier but I am so glad I no longer hide (from myself) that I am HIV positive. Actually, not keeping the secret is very beneficial to my well being and, in turn, I now am able to share what could possibly be some life saving or, at the least, life changing, information with you.

I just read what I have written and guess I really got to rambling. Oh well. Sometime that is how conversations go. Lots of rambling but lots of information put out. Anyways, it is time to close for now. But, I do want to tell all of you and especially those of you who are positive that you are not alone. In life you can either “choose to” or “choose not to”. I chose “to”.. live life, that is. I have a fantastic life. I surround myself with positive people and I grow each day. Everyone can do the same. You just got to “choose to”.

Until next time – Be Safe, Be Smart and always stay 10 steps ahead. Send me your questions and comments and I will answer at

Your Sexpert,

Carl Crosco

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hey Boys!!!

Yet another beautiful week passes and I am alive and kickin’ and doing great! I am really excited about everything that is going on and I’ll clue you in on just what is going on in future blogs. But for now I need to cover some ground on some real important things for all us.

My first contact with you basically laid out the ground work for my weekly writings where I will touch on many topics that involve us all. As I’ve said, I am going to be as honest as I can and may be sometimes brutally honest. I also have no doubt there will be some things where we will disagree but that is cool. All you’ve got to do is write back and express your opinion. I want this to be an open forum on the many topics that impact our community and your opinions, even those in disagreement with mine, are welcome. Just provide the facts and those facts may result in me changing my opinion. I am very pleased to be able to represent the gay community on so many strong and, to some, controversial topics and your input is vital to me and to all of us.

Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in CA.

Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in CA.

My first topic this week is the upcoming election both national and state. As for national, for now I am not going to say whom I may vote for. Honestly, I still don’t know. Neither of the main presidential candidates excite me and I am not sure who would be best for our country. I wish the choice was clearer. For me, it isn’t. But, one of the big votes in California will be on Proposition 8. Proposition 8 basically eliminates the right of same sex couples to marry. If it passes, it will add a new constitutional amendment to the California Constitution that will say "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California" and it will be known in law as the California Marriage Protection Act. We definitely need to vote NO on this proposition. Why?

Surprise! It’s not because I want to have the right to marry the man I love because I can. The law permits it now. My main opposition is whose business is it period who we marry? If you and he (or she) are truly in love and committed in the truest sense you should have that right to declare it publicly. Basically, boys, that’s what a wedding ceremony is. A public declaration of love and lifetime commitment.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating someone can marry their brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or dog. But I do not need someone sticking their damn nose in to my business and denying me the right to enjoy my life with the person I love. Proposition 8 will give those gorgeous men in blue (you know who I mean – “Chippies”) the right to lock me up just for doing what has been done for centuries – marrying the person I love. Enough said on this. JUST VOTE NO TO PROPOSITION 8!

One last thing concerning the upcoming election. Regardless, if you are a supporter of McCain, Obama, Barr, Nader, or whomever vote. It is a privilege that many have and will die for. Don’t take it lightly.

OneVote Initiative
Not quite old enough to vote on Nov. 4th? That's ok, you can still cast your ballot with our friend OneVote, from Channel One News. They are hosting the largest national youth mock election in history and you can register your opinion at on the candidates and political issues at from now until Friday. Don't wait! (oh, and tell your parents, siblings and anyone you know who's 18+ to vote on Nov. 4th)

Now, my fellow hot boys. Let’s move on to another topic. Actually a continuation of a topic I briefly mentioned last week. If you recall, I mentioned both HIV 1 and HIV 2 and did briefly detail just what HIV 1 is. This week, I want to give some info on HIV 2.

According to the medical world, studies of HIV 2 have shown that it weakens the immune system more slowly than HIV 1. It is more predominant in Africa than in the U.S. but it is out there. Because the symptoms manifest themselves more slowly this version sorta sneaks up on you. If you are at risk for HIV 1 then ditto for HIV 2. It may be slower but the results are the same. Obviously, only total abstinence will prevent any of us from getting this disease or any STD but I know and you know that ain’t gonna happen. So, use a latex condom. Also, just as with HIV 1, do not share needles (even better don’t do those drugs where you have to inject. And better than that don’t do drugs period), limit your sex partners and, if you are infected, let your partner know. Masturbation, whether solo or with a partner, is also an alternative. Granted, it may be boring but God knows is better than nothing. Google either HIV 1 or 2 for as much information as you want.

If that special someone comes along be smart and insist he be smart also. Remember, “you won’t get sick if you cover his dick.” Safe sex ensures your well being and that of your partner. It feels great and you have a clear conscious because you have done the right thing. Bottom line, every decision you make is totally up to you and can impact your life as well as many other people. Be smart.

Well, that about does it for this edition. Stay tuned for next week’s installment where I will continue to educate, inform, and give you some more of my life history. I want you to get in touch with yourself. Get to know yourself as you will get to know me.

Learning more about HIV and AIDS: has a great deal of information about AIDS, about the global epidemic, HIV and AIDS statistics and education.

Last thing – here is a reminder to all. Gay Pride is going to be in Palm Springs, CA, November 1st and 2nd. Don’t miss the official kick-off for "The Hot Boys World”. I will make an appearance at this event and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. Also, don’t miss the fabulous Pepper MaShay and Clint Crisher performing at the event. Guarantee something you do not want to miss. Anyway – SEE YOU AT PRIDE!!!!

Your Sexpert,

Carl Crosco

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Get the Hot Boys Sexpert Application

Get the Hot Boys Sexpert Application for your profile on MySpace, Bebo, iGoogle, Hi5 and Facebook today!

What is this application all about?


Monday, October 20, 2008

The Hot Boys Sexpert Tells His Life Story!

Hello and Good Day Hotties! My name is Carl Crosco. I have a lot to tell you as The Hot Boys Sexpert.
I am 29 years old and have recently relocated to California from Virginia where I was a hair stylist and cosmetologist. I also am a make-up artist. Proudly, I am gay (maybe a little to flaming, at times) and make no apologies for my lifestyle. Like many of us, I do not shy away from saying who or what I am but coming from a conservative area (let’s just say that many people in Virginia will not fly on a plane unless it has 2 right wings) there have been many times when I tried to hide or change my identity. Guess I was doing nothing more than lying to myself for I am the happiest when I can be who I am. “Hiding” truly went against my grain and compromised my honesty which I consider to be one of the most important traits for any one.

I am here to be more or less an “ice breaker” and if someone is offended by what is said in this blog then I suggest you get over it. You will get honesty from me and I expect honesty from you. My story is a “life changing” story. It is for me and think will be for you. Above all else, it is true.

Remember when I said honesty is one of the traits I admire most? Well for many years I haven’t been honest in one thing. Not about my gayness but that I have been HIV positive for some time!!! Maybe to some of you that isn’t a big deal. To me it is. I don’t like hiding anything but felt it was necessary so I wouldn’t be ostracized.

Don’t condemn me. I have not, since I was diagnosed, endangered anyone else. I may not have been honest with my partner but I was honest with myself. I could not live knowing I may have infected someone.

We all know that HIV and, worse, AIDS, continues to be rampant in our community. Granted, there have been many steps taken over the years that have resulted in the infection rate being reduced but each day gay men and women are finding out they have been exposed and infected by an uncaring, dishonest, partner. If nothing else, my job on this blog is to educate you, in a non-medical way. Remember, I am not a doctor. I am not anything but a person like you. Unfortunately, I refused to heed the dangers that were (are) out there and now I am paying the consequences. You know what I mean. “Hell, it can’t happen to me. Things like this happen to everyone else.” Well, it can happen to anyone. Enough of the preaching!

Here is my story:
Let’s go back to September, 1998. I was working for an escort agency in Maryland. (No actual names, company or personal, will be used in my story.) This agency offered “extra” services if the client was willing to pay. (Bet that surprised you, huh?) Anyway, I received a call and an appointment was set with a client for sex. I arrived at his house and this hot looking guy (I’ll call him John what else!) met me at the door. I went in, we talked and he offered some crystal meth. We all know this is one of the “drugs of choice” in the gay life. Anyway, we got high, one thing led to another and we had sex. He did use a condom but, and I didn’t find this out until we were finished that he took the condom off. I was out of it so didn’t notice and really didn’t have any concerns. Remember? It couldn’t happen to me.

After the “date” was over I went home and met up with a close friend. We chatted about the night and my date. I mentioned the name of the date and my friend said “you do know he has AIDS, right?” Since “John” had used a condom I wasn’t concerned until I remembered he had taken it off. Then my friend also told me “John” was very sick and, according to some others, didn’t have long. I thought about that, but I felt it couldn’t happen to me.

About 3 weeks later I became really sick. My lymph nodes were sore and swollen. Groin area was really sore and I got odd, white bumps on the roof of my mouth. I went to the doctor, actually a clinic in Washington, DC, where they did all kinds of tests including a test for HIV. I wasn’t really concerned but then was. Know what I mean? Anyway, I went home and was told to return in a week to get the results. Later on, my mind began working and I got scared. Not just a little. A lot!

Now I’m the kinda person who puts things off. With the tests, I decided not to go back to get the results. Guess I figured that if I don’t know then nothing is wrong. Many of the symptoms I mentioned above went away in a short time so there was no need, I thought, to go back. Bad choice.

Remember my “friend” who told me that “John” was dying? Well, I can’t swear to this but I think he is the one who began spreading rumors about me. Rumors that I had full blown AIDS. And since I didn’t have long I was living the high life. Obviously it was almost impossible for me to prove the rumors false because I had not gotten my test results. The rumors were there, I couldn’t disprove them so I said “What the hell!” and truly got out of control. Sex and drugs. Drugs and sex. Rock and roll. Party like it was my last night on earth. Truly, “out of control” did not even come close to describing my life style. Party was my life.

But, in March, 1998, reality struck. I’m not going to say why, but I was jailed in the Fairfax Country Men’s Detention Center. For some reason I decided to have the HIV test and the results were positive. In 2 weeks, I was getting deathly ill. More and more things started happening to me. I had huge, blood blisters in my mouth. My lymph nodes were so swollen they felt like golf balls and sometimes they felt bigger. In the 2 weeks I went from a 32 waist down to a 26 waist and weighed only 132 pounds. I was throwing up blood. To say I was sick was a total understatement. Seriously, I felt like I was dying and not easily.

Think about it. Here I was in jail and with more undesirable people than you could imagine in your worst nightmare, dropping weight every day and sores that would repulse anyone. Talk about alone. I was worse than alone. No doubt I had hit rock bottom. Hell, I was below that.

Somehow, someway some of my strength came back. Not 100% by any means but better than it was. I was released from jail and assigned to a work prison. (By the way I was sent to jail for selling drugs.) At the work prison I kept to myself. No one knew about my illness and I was sure not going to tell anyone. I was very alone and though that may sound bad in some ways it was good. Being alone gave me a chance to take stock of myself. I began to pray. Yes, I do believe in God. I began to do research on this disease I had and see if there was anything out there I could do. I learned to eat healthy which was really the only alternative I had in this environment. I could still live but needed to be extremely careful and not compromise my health in the future. This is what I did for some time.

Jump ahead to November, 12, 1999. I was released and for the first time in a long time was free. Free to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to, and with whom I wanted to do it with. Amazingly, I forgot everything I had learned. Well, not really. I just put it all in the back of my mind. My health had returned. Maybe not 100% but a hell of a lot better than it was. Though I knew I hadn’t really beat it I convinced myself I had. So I partied.
How else could I celebrate my freedom?

I didn’t just party I mean I PARTIED!!!! If there was a college course in partying I would be the professor. Booze, Drugs, Sex. Booze, Drugs, Sex. Booze, Drugs, Sex. You get the picture. Every night, every day. 24 hrs straight maybe longer. Booze, Drugs, Sex!! But, it caught up to me.

I started feeling like hell and went to a clinic. Long story short, tests showed I had contracted syphilis, mononucleosis, and Hepatitis C. Oh, and my HIV was back. (Like it had left). I was so sick the clinic staff had me immediately admitted to the hospital. Being put on all types of meds I was able to be released after a couple of weeks. Shortly after being released I was put on the “cocktail”.

I was on the “cocktail” along with numerous vitamins and anti-nausea medicine. In total, I was taking 42 pills a day. It took its toll on me. Was hard to hold down any food but I finally developed tolerance for them all and I did get better.

Just like my life, my living with HIV has been done through trial and error. Yes I did make mistakes. Big mistakes. Many times. But I learned and I thank God that I went to jail. I truly feel if I hadn’t been sent to jail I would be dead. I am free of all meds and living a relatively healthy life style. My counts are great – above where they should be. I live relatively stress-free, have a great job doing what I love (hair styling and makeup). I am currently single and am achieving my goals by being persistent but fair in everything I do. I am living life with HIV and showing that even if you do get that dreaded news, it is not the end of life. It actually can be the beginning of an even better life. It takes commitment, realism, and most importantly being totally honest with yourself.

That is my story. I know I left some things out but my hope is you can take something from it and understand that you too can more than just survive with this disease. We all make mistakes and many times are destined to repeat them. If someone like me can learn you can, too.

I want to switch gears and go a different route. I’d like to explain just what HIV is. It’s important we all know just what HIV is because someone we know and love is living with this illness everyday. So now I need to explain this disease not in medical terms for, as you know, I am not a doctor. Just in plain everyday language.

There are 2 types of HIV viruses. HIV 1 causes most cases of AIDS in the USA. HIV is usually spread through unprotected anal sex or through shared needles for drug or steroids. Though rare, infection can be spread through oral sex. The only sure way to avoid infection, other than abstinence, is by ensuring a latex condom is used. I mention latex because there are some natural sheepskin condoms on the market. These do not prevent the spread of the virus as they are made of natural membrane from sheep. The virus can and will spread through these.

If you are HIV positive it is not the end of life. But you must, repeat MUST take precautions. Our community is sometimes our worst enemy. If one of your gay brothers has HIV do not ostracize him and also don’t sympathize. Empathy is fine. Most of us who are positive do not want or need your sympathy. The main thing is if you are positive tell your partner. Safe sex, guys, can be very hot sex. Also, do not be afraid to be tested. It’s better to know and take steps to improve your life than to not know and be like I was for so long.

Right now, the CDC estimates that over 250,000 gay men and women do not know they are carrying the HIV virus. That’s one-quarter of a million people. Get tested!!

Ok. So you get tested and the results are positive. Not the best of news but not a death sentence. About 15 years ago or so, there was no specific treatment for HIV. Today with the steps science and the medical profession have taken people are living longer, much longer. And not just living but enjoying life. I would imagine you know someone who can testify to this. People of all walks of life can and do get HIV. Professional athletes, politicians, priests, and so on and so on. It is not a death sentence and does not have the stigma it once did.

One thing for damn sure. With the presence of HIV, and any STD, it is never ok to have unprotected sex. You are risking your life and that of your partners. If you have HIV, you are risking re-infection. Re-infection means the virus can multiply at a more rapid rate than during the initial infection. That could bring on full blow AIDS which is, simply said, not good. Don’t be stupid. As the saying goes, “wrap that rascal”. This is an illness and disease that does not discriminate. Don’t think for one minute you won’t or can’t get it. I thought that and found out the truth in a way I didn’t think would happen.

In most states, it is a felony offense if you knowingly have the HIV virus or AIDS and infect someone through unprotected sex. You could be charged with involuntary manslaughter or attempted murder. Forget the criminality just don’t be stupid.

I can not stress enough all I said above since my story ended. I have had this disease for almost 11 years. I am extremely careful, I have never looked better or felt better than I do now and I am not on any meds. I eat right (most of the time), I exercise (not enough), and keep alcohol to a minimum (again, most of the time). If you are infected there is no reason you can’t do the same.

I keep my busy both in my job and in hobbies. My T-cell and other counts show I am healthy. But, I don’t kid myself either. I know I have to keep this up or, well………..

Each week you will learn more about me and my life. It is an open book and I hope something I write will help someone. I’m doing this for one simple reason. Life really is to short and if by me giving some information to someone will help them get more out of their life (whether gay or straight) it makes me know my place on this earth is validated. Education is very important but I can only educate or provide answers to those who ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask. I admit I don’t have all the answers. Hell, very few. But I can listen and I can find the answers for you. If you need a resource I can direct you to where you need to go. Be ready for the truth and be ready for blunt honesty. My life has been a rocky road. There is a hell of a lot I have been through that this story doesn’t even come near to touching. But everything has directed me towards the truth. Took me awhile to find it but I did. You can, too.

In closing, and sorry this has been so long, GET TESTED. USE CONDOMS. Remember with knowledge comes power and with power we, as a community, can and will beat this thing. Thanks for taking the time and I look forward to a long relationship with each and every one of you hotties.

Your Sexpert,

Carl Crosco

Clint Crisher LIVE at Tucson Pride

Life Changes by Clint Crisher LIVE at Tucson Pride 2008 from Crisher Entertainment on Vimeo.
Clint Crisher performs Life Changes during his show at Tucson Pride in the Desert 2008. Tucson Pride is an Arizona non-profit corporation and a non-profit organization that produces and promotes cultural, educational and recreational events for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in Tucson, Arizona. Life Changes will be included on the movie soundtrack for Conceived In Prison the true life story of Clint Crisher being produced by Crisher Entertainment

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fame Games Vote Needed!

Lick It Pull It Love It Suck It needs your vote!
Fame Games airs to over 1 million listeners on land in the South of Spain and over 2,000,000 internationally, on the web! Fame Games is now far and away the most listened-to Indie music radio program in the world! The regular listenership has reached over 350,000 unique visits (listeners) per month. The artists featured on this show are also heard by established artists, music business professionals and A&R reps from record companies around the world.Fame Games is an International Indie Music Radio Program available for on-demand listening across the Web, Fame Games is also aired on the largest and best-established English-language radio station in the South of Spain, Onda Cero International (101.6 FM and 94.6 FM). Fame Games airs live on Wednesdays: 8:00 PM (Qualifier Show) and Saturdays: 5:00 PM (CET) (Main Show)

Fame Games 199-Q / Tuesday Edition Clint Crisher and Lick It Pull It Love It Suck It
Current Tuesday Q rank: 1 Current Q199 rank: 2 Contenders 2 CLICK BELOW TO VOTE!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


As we gear up for the 24th AIDS Walk Los Angeles on October 19, we find ourselves at an extraordinary time in the epidemic. More people than ever before are living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. Yet funding for domestic HIV/AIDS programs is shrinking, and here in California, HIV prevention programs lost $5 million in funding in the new budget.
As lawmakers in Washington respond to the country’s financial crisis, organizations like AIDS Project Los Angeles face a dramatic increase in demand for help. We simply cannot let low-income men and women with HIV/AIDS face unthinkable choices -- between food or shelter, medicine or dental care. You can do your part by signing up for AIDS Walk today, or by supporting your friends who are walking with us.

Craig E. Thompson

Executive Director

AIDS Project Los Angeles

(APLA) is one of the largest non-profit AIDS service organizations in the United States, provides bilingual direct services, prevention education and leadership on HIV/AIDS-related policy and legislation. Marking 25 years of service in 2008, APLA is a community-based, volunteer-supported organization with local, national and global reach.
About APLA

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